AVALON SUNSET volume discount OA lily
Bright yellow, large flowers with an effective, deep-red centre. Height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.20 |
new BATALEON volume discount TA lily - Mak Breeding.
Red, height 100 - 120 cm Currently unavailable
EUR 2.20 |
BAZIN volume discount TA Lily - Mak Breeding.
Fiery orange. A new group of lilies in which trumpet lilies are crossed with Asiatic lilies. Height 110-1120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.50 |
EASTERN MOON volume discount LT lily - Robert Griesbach, Lily Company - 2012.
Large, creamy flowers with gentle rosy shading. Height 160 cm, flower diameter 20 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
EVINATA lily - K. Braun - 1982.
Side/down facing flowers, salmon orange with a bright tangerine orange center and numerousdecorative dark dots. Height around 90cm. Durable and long lasting Czech TA variety.
Currently unavailable
EUR 3.80 |
new FOXLEY volume discount TA Lily - Mak Breeding.
Orange with dark markings. A new group of lilies in which trumpet lilies are crossed with Asiatic lilies. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.00 |
FREDO volume discount LO lily - Vletter den Haan. Large white flowers. Fragrant. Height 120 - 130 cm, 5/7 flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
FUENTA volume discount TA Lily - Mak Breeding.
Bright yellow, large flowers. A new group of lilies in which trumpet lilies are crossed with Asiatic lilies. Height 110-1120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.50 |
FUSION volume discount LP lily.
Fantastic selection news! Breeders first managed to create a variety by crossing a Lilium longiflorum lily with a Lilium pardalinum. Height 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.00 |
NIGHTRIDER volume discount AT lily - Lily Company.
Very dark, almost black lily. There is little varieties in this group, so it is a peculiar rarity. Height 120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.20 |
ORFEO volume discount TA Lily .
Dark, juicy red flowers. A new group of lilies in which trumpet lilies are crossed with Asiatic lilies. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.30 |
TIGER BABIES volume discount TA lilija - J. F. McRae - 1980. Ziedi lašu krāsā ar aprikozu piesātināti aprikozu oranžu centru. Izceļas ar ļoti daudziem, dekoratīviem, tumšiem punktiem. Veido bagātīgas, plašas un sažuburotas ziedkopas ar daudziem ziediem. Uzticama un ilgmūžīga dārza lilija. Augstums 70 - 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.00 |
VIVA LA VIDA volume discount OA lily
Large, bright yellow flowers with recurved petals and a dark red marking on each petal. Height 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.20 |
VOLVIC volume discount TA Lily - Mak Breeding.
Fiery orange. A new group of lilies in which trumpet lilies are crossed with Asiatic lilies. Height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.50 |