AVEŅU KARAMELE = WATERMELON PATCH - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraployd Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
MANITOBA FOX - MANITOBA MORNING - Martagon lilyMartagon lily - Eugene Fox/Lily Company.
Reddish mauve pink flowers with decorative dark dots on a light yellow center. Pollen orange. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
AČKUPS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1c/d - G. Grants.
Bright orange, decayed flowers are arranged in pyramidal inflorescences. Lots of flowers, grows well and multiplies. Height 120 - 140 cm, 23-32 flowers, flower diameter 11 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
AISMA - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - 1 a/c Guntis Grants.
The flowers are very light yellow with a slightly darker yellow in the throat. Small, dark brown dots are concentrated in the center of the flower, pollen orange. Flowers in mid-July. Diamter - 16 cm, height - 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.60 |
ALBERTA MORNING - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - Lily Company B.V. 2020. Petal tips maroon, center dotted, yellow when opening, later white. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
ALBI MORNING - Martagon Lily volume discount Martagon Lily - Lily Company B.V. - 2020
Cream-colored flowers with dark dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
new ANDRA - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, pink flowers with dark dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
new ANGA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing cream flowers. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
ANSĪTIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1b/c - G. Grants. Small, orange star-shaped flowers arranged in rich, pyramidal inflorescences. Expressive dotting in the middle of the flower. Height 80 cm, number of flowers 30. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
ARABIAN KNIGHT - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - G. L. Slate.
The center of the flower dark yellow, the tips of petals brown red, red-brown dots on the yellow part. This is an unusual color of martagonlilies. Height around 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
ĀRIJA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/bc - G. Grant.
Flowers salmon pink with the center of salmon orange. Tiny dots around the throat, pollen red-brown. Tetraploid variety. Flowers in mid-July. Flower diameter 15 cm, height 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
ARTA - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - G.Grants.
Pendant, juicy red-pink flowers, height about 1m. Dark stems. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
AVEŅU DEJA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
AVEŅU ZVAIGZNE - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
AVEŅU ZVANI - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
BALTGALVE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily 1a/b - G. Grants
A very distinctive variety of small stature with white flower buds and white leaf edges. For lilies, leaves with white edges are very rare. Small, pink flowers. Height 70 cm, bud count 10. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
BIRGIT - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - author A. Winkler - 1991.
Bright dark pink star-shaped flowers with expressively frosted nectaries. Reliable garden lily. Height about 80 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
BIŠUMUIŽA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/b - c - G. Grants.
A star-shaped flower with a cream center and darker pink petal tips. In the center, decorative, large, almost black points. The floral eye is dark violet, pollen bright orange. Variety healthy, well growing and multiplying. Inflorescence branched. Height 100 - 110, secondary buds, 20-30 flowers, flower diameter 14 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.80 |
BOOSTER - OT lilyOT lily - World Breeding B.V.
Dark red, fragrant. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
BRĀLĪTIS TRUSĪTIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grants.
Small-star flowers are mostly white. Variety is pollenless, and doesn't stain the clothes. The peculiarities of this variety - it sometimes tends to change colour to light pink and back to white - from the same bulb a few years white flowers can blossom, but other years of pink flowers. Flowers at the beginning of July, a flower diameter of 12 cm, a height of 80 - 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.50 |
BRĪNUMDARIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Apricot pink flowers facing sideways / down. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new BRONZE MEDALLION - MartagonlilyMartagonlily Currently unavailable
EUR 9.00 |
BUŅĢIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Side facing orange flowers. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
new CERĪBU SPĀRNI - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, white flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
CIKLONA ACS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2022.
Strongly growing tetraploid lily. Orange flowers with contrasting, very dark tango markings in the center. Height about 1 m. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
CITRONKŪKA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a / c - author - G. Grants.
Bright lemon-yellow flowers with a contrasting, very dark reddish-brown 'brushmark' stroke on each petal. Dark brown pollen, almost white stamens, light green foliage, resistant to botrytis. Inflorescence with 7 flowers, blooms in early July, flower diameter 14 cm, height 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.80 |
CLAUDE SHRIDE - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - C.L. Shride
Flowers in a juicy dark cherry color. Glossy - like lacquered. Large amounts of hanging flowers are arranged in slender, long inflorescences. This variety has become a classic and is in high demand and often a deficit in the world. We can offer you too! Height 120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
DAKOTA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Height - 80 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
DANUTE - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
DAUGMALES RITMI - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Flowers in a light brick color with a yellowish center, with contrasting dark stripes and dots. A short variety. Blooms in early July. A -60 cm, inflorescence 6-7 flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
DAUGMALIETE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing orange flowers with dark markings. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
DINAMĪTS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1b/c - G. Grants.
Brick-orange frowers with a yellow-orange centre are arranged in wide, pyramidal inflorescences. A small point circle surrounds the center of the flower. Stalks dark. Mighty! Blossom in early to mid-July. Height 110 cm, number of flowers 10, flower diameter 13, tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
DZIDRA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/cd - G. Grant.
A star-shaped flower in a clear, light salmon-pink tone, small points at the center of the flower. Light nectaries. Red-brown pollen. Blossom in early July, a flower diameter of 14 cm, a height of 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
new DZINTARA FEJA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Down facing, amber flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.70 |
ELZA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1 bc/b Guntis Grants.
Small, side/down-facing, flowers in light raspberry pink, orange shading in the center of the flower, on which are very small, dark dots. Pollen light brown. Forms compact, pyramidal inflorescences. Blossom in early July, diameter - 10.5 cm, height - 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
EMOCIJAS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing red flowers with dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
EURYDIKE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - Vaclav Jošt.
An unusual, long-lasting garden lily with a very rich, pyramidal inflorescence with lots of hanging, dark red-pink flowers. Flowers with recurved petals, small. Height is over a meter. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.70 |
EVINA - TA lilyTA lily - K. Braun - 1982.
Side/down facing flowers, salmon orange with a bright tangerine orange center and numerousdecorative dark dots. Height around 90cm. Durable and long lasting Czech TA variety.
Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
EŽA ZVAIGZNĀJS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G.Grants.
Distinctly stars-haped flowers in light salmon color with an expressive red-brown “Brashmarka” smear on each petal. Rich, spacious inflorescences. Blossom in early June. Height 85 cm, flower diameter 16 cm, number of flowers 16. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
FANTOMS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Orange flowers with a dark pattern, tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
FARAONU ZELTS - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - 1a/b - G.Grants
Height 120 cm, number of flowers 15, flower diameter 17 cm. Flowers in a pure, very bright orange-yellow colour. Pollen orangebrown, dark stems, good leaves. Secondary buds, tetraploid. In the garden, flowers draw attention. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
GOLDEN MORNING - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - Lily Company B.V. 2020. Pale yellow flowers with small dots in the center. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
GUINEA GOLD - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - author - F.L.Skinner.
Golden yellow flowers, arranged in rich, slender inflorescences. Height 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
HAIKA - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - G.Grants.
Pollenless salmon-colored flowers, arranged in dense inflorescences. Firm flower stalks, good growth. Placed in bouquets, will not stain clothes because there is no pollen. Height - 90 cm Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.80 |
INDRA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - 1b/c - G. Grants.
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.70 |
new INGERA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side and down facing, orange yellow flowers with dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
IONA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - Christopher North
Pendant turban-like light salmon-colored flowers with many tiny dots. A long-lived and durable garden variety. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.70 |
IVETA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a / c - author - G. Grants.
Bright lemon-yellow flowers with a contrasting, very dark reddish-brown 'brushmark' stroke on each petal. Dark brown pollen, almost white stamens, light green foliage, resistant to botrytis. Inflorescence with 7 flowers, blooms in early July, flower diameter 14 cm, height 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.60 |
JAMPADRACIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - Guntis Grants.
Bright orange, small, pending turk's cap shaped flowers, arranged in tall, slim inflorescences. The height 110 cm, when it establishes, can reach 150 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
JAUDA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Orange with dark markings, height 140 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
JUKATAKA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1b/c - G. Grants.
pink flowers with a salmon-colored shading at the center and a pink eye. Small dots on 1/2 petals, Pyramidal inflorescences. Blossom in early July. Flower size 13 cm, height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
new JUSTĪNE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, purple-pink star-shaped flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
KAMOLĪTIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1c/d - G. Grants.
Bright orange, pendant flowers arranged in pyramidal inflorescences. Lots of flowers, grows and reproduces well. Height 110 - 130 cm, flower diameter 11 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
KAPARA VĒRDIŅŠ - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2022 Currently unavailable
EUR 4.90 |
new KARĪNA = KARIN - Trumpet lilyTrumpet lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Yellow, down-facing flowers. Fragrant. Currently unavailable
EUR 7.00 |
KARSTĀ LIESMA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants.
Brilliant orange-red, large flowers composed in symmetrical pyramidal inflorescences. Height 100-110 cm, bud count 13-18. Tetraploid. A healthy and good growing garden lily. Flowers in mid-July. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
KASKĀDE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1 bc/cd - G.Grants.
Light yellow pendant flowers with a dark brown “Tango” pattern at the center. The flowers are arranged in slender, conical inflorescences. Flower in early July. Flower size 13 - 14 cm, height 100 - 120 cm, bud count 27 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
KAUTRĪGĀ - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023 Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
ĶIRŠU LIĶIERIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1c/d Guntis Grants.
Pendant, dark cherry-red flowers, arranged in slider inflorescences on tall stems. Height - 130 cm, bud count around 16. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
KRISTĪNES SIRDS = KRISTIN'S HEART - Asiatic Lily volume discount Asiatic Lily - 1b/c - G. Grants.
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
KROŅLUKTURIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/bc - G. Grants.
Big bright yellow flowers, green throat. Produces powerful, branched inflorescences with secondary buds. A tall variety on sturdy stems. A good grower. Tetraploid. Height 90 - 110 cm, bud count 12 - 18, flower size 15 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.90 |
KURZEMNIECE = STRAWBERRY TART - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Down-facing red flowers. Height 130 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
LABA DABA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2022
Pendant turban-like brick-orange flowers arranged in dense inflorescences with secondary buds. Height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.30 |
LAŠA KUNGS = APRICOT JAM - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing light salmon flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
LAVĪZE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Mauve flowers with tango dots in the center. It grows well, especially healthy. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
LEDUS DVAŠA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
White flowers with a distinctive green overlay when freshly opened. Green eye. Height 80 - 100 cm, bud count 9-17, secondary buds. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
LEDUS LAIKMETS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grant.
White flowers with a distinctly greenish center, some very tiny dots in the center of the flower. I consider this to be my best white Asiatic lily. It grows very well, reproduces, blooms profusely, and gets sick rarely. This set of characteristics is not usually found in white Asiatic lilies. Blooms at the beginning of July, flower diameter 15 cm, height 70 - 80 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.90 |
LELLĪTE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c G.Grants.
Soft, light apple blossom pink flowers with creamy center later turn creamy white. Pollen dark yellow. Blossom in early July, Flower size 14 cm, height 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
LIELĀ BALVA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants.
Pink flowers with a light orange center, arranged in slender inflorescences. Height around 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
LIELAIS CĀLIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/b - G. Grants.
Saturated yellow, clear, clean colour, no dots, greenish flower eye, pollen dark yellow, dark stems. Produces secondary buds. A powerful grower. Tetraploid. Flowers in mid-July. Flower size 16 cm, bud count 12-18, height 110 - 120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.20 |
LIELVĀRDIETES MEITA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grants.
Flowers bronze orange with lighter petal tips and reddish shading at the base of the petal. Black dots in the center, pollen brown, leaves dark. Pubescent buds and top leaves. Bud count 15. Produces secondary buds. Blossom in early July. Flower size 15 cm, height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
new LIEPZIEDU BULVĀRIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, creamy yellow flowers with scattered Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
LĪGA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c Guntis Grants.
Dark yellow flowers with a dark brown tango dot pattern in the center, pollen brown. Flowers around mid-summer solstice. One of the earliest varieties of Asiatic lilies. Flower size - 14 cm, height - 90 - 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
LĪZĪTE - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023 Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
LOTĀRS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - L. Kārkliņš.
Dark, saturated cherry-red flowers with small orange-red darts at the baseof each petal. Pollen saturated red-brown. Bud-count 15. Flowers in mid-July. Flower size – 13-15 cm, height – 110-120 cm. A reliable garden variety. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
new LUĪZE = COMPASS ROSE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, pink flowers with apricot orange center. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
new MAIGĀS LIESMAS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Up-facing, creamy white star-shaped flowers with a yellow spot in the center of each petal, height 130 cm, number of flowers 21. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new MĀKOŅKALNS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing cream flowers. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
MARIJA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a / b - author G. Grants.
Large, light pink flowers, 1/3 of each petal cream-colored, a few small, dark dots around the center of the flower, pollen orange. Inflorescence of about 9 flowers. Blooms in mid-July, flower diameter 17 cm, height 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new MĀRSNA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Creamy white star-shaped flowers with a few dots in the center. Dark, sturdy stems. Grows well. Height - 100 cm Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
new MARY LISS - MartagonlilyMartagonlily Currently unavailable
EUR 12.00 |
MEDUSBITE = ABBEY ROAD - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Honey yellow, large flowers with dark brown tango dots in the center. Forms abundant, pyramidal inflorescences. Height - 100-120 cm. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
new MELNAIS CAURUMS = KALEIDOSCOPE COLORS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, cream flowers with very dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 7.00 |
new MĒĻOTĀJA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, pink flowers with an apricot-orange center and dark Tango markings. Height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
MEŽA SPĪGANA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Side facing dark red flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
MINTA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Creamy white star-shaped flowers with a yellowish shade in the center. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.60 |
MIRDZUMS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2022.
Creamy-white star-shaped flowers with a slightly yellowish center. Forms branched inflorescences with secondary buds. Tetraploid. Height about 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.20 |
MISS FEYA (LEVERN FRIEMANN) - OT lily volume discount OT lily - LeVern Friemann 1992.
Very saturated raspberry red colur flowers with white edge. A royal colour combination! Pendant, large flowers with recurved petals. Flower size 24 cm, height approximately 100 cm and more when well established. American selection masterpiece! Scented. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
MUNDRA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
MŪZA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants. Small, creamy-white, side facing flowers with a pale yellow center, arranged in a slender, pyramidal inflorescence. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
MY JOE ANN = PINK FLAVOUR - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - P. Whipple. This is one of the classic American garden lilies. Passed the test of time, perfect for gardens. Warm pink, downfacing, wide open, large flowers. Height 110 - 140 cm Currently unavailable
EUR 2.70 |
new NAILA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, rusty red flowers with dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
NELE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Side facing flowers pure apricot orange with dots in the center. Durable and long-lived garden lily. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
NEMIERS = ANXIETY - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2022
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
new ŅENAGĻADNAJA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - author V.Chuchin Currently unavailable
EUR 6.00 |
new ODRIJA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, dark red flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
new PAULA = ANTIQUE ROSE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, pale pink flowers with crem yellow center. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
PINKA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2022
Side-facing pink flowers with a shade of salmon orange in the center. Tetraploid. Black dotting in the center of the flower. Height around 120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
PIRĀTU DĀRGUMI - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023 Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new PIRMAIS PĒRKONS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, white flowers with dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new PRINCE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upward facing, pink flowers with an apricot-orange center, height 110 cm, flower diameter 17 cm. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
PUNKTIŅA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grants.
Creamy white flowers with lots of dark dots in the middle part. Flower size 16 cm, height 130 - 120 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
PUTNU TANGO = SHOOTER'S STAR - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Downwards facing salmon pink flowers with dark markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
RAIBĀ DZĪVE = UPTOWN GIRL - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023 Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
RAIBĀ VASARA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily- 1a - b/bc - G.Grants
Bright yellow flowers with a darker shade in the center of the petal, which is contrasted with a dark brown stroke formed by streaking together with dots. Nectaries greenish-white, pollen dark brown. Blooms in early July, diameter - 17 cm, height - 90-100 cm. About 7 flowers in the inflorescence. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
RĪTA JUNDA - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - 1a/c - Guntis Grants.
Creamy flowers with a light yellow shading at the center and a small dark brown “Brushmark”. Dark shiny stems. Height 90-100 cm, bud count 6-10, large flowers, flower size - 17 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.90 |
new RĪTA SAULE = CANDY GIRL - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, light aprioct flowers with a few dark dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new RĪTAVĒJŠ - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraployd Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
ROZĀ LIETUS - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - G. Grants.
A tall lily with many, soft pink-colored pendant flowers arranged in slender, conical inflorescences. A good grower! Height 125 - 130 cm, bud count 10 - 18, flower size 12 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
new ROŽACTIŅA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily- G. Grants - 2023.
Pink, side / down facing flowers with many dark dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
ROŽU PIRKSTIŅI - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.90 |
RUBĪNA STARS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/b - G.Grants.
Dark saturated cherry-red flowers with a very dark center. Petals edges slightly wavy, pollen bright orange red, very dark stems, healthy variety. Height 80 - 100 cm, bud count 10 - 14, flower size 13 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
new RUDENS PIESKĀRIENS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing, pink flowers with an apricot-orange center and dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
new RŪĶŪ PILS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Pollenless, side facing, apricot orange flowers with Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
RŪSRAKSTS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Light orange, side/down-facing flowers with a dark, tango-colored center. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new RŪTIŅA - Trumpet lilyTumpet lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Light yellow, side facing, trumpet-shaped flowers. Fragrant. Currently unavailable
EUR 9.00 |
SALDĀ DZĪVE - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraployd Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
SAPNIS VASARAS NAKTĪ = EDITH ANN - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing dark pink flowers, height 110 cm, tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
SAPŅU MEITENE = SARAFINA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023 Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
SAPŅU SALA - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - 1a / c - author G. Grants.
Pink flowers with darker petal tips and a lighter center with tango markings. Tetraploid variety. Height about 1 m. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
SĀRTLAPE = ABOVE AND BEYOND - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2022
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
SAULCERĪTE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1 a/c Guntis Grants.
Small salmon-orange star-shaped flowers with a lighter centre, anthers reduced (pollenless variety). Conical inflorescences with a high bud count. Flowers in mid-July. Flower size - 9 cm, Height - 70 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new SAULES ZELTS - Trumpet lilyTumpet lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Light yellow, side facing, trumpet-shaped flowers. Fragrant. Currently unavailable
EUR 7.00 |
SAULVIDUS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/b - G. Grants.
Bright lemon-yellow flowers with orange-yellow shading at the center. A green eye. Abundant flowers on tall and sturdy stems. Healthy and persistant garden lily. Height 110-140 cm, bud count 12-18, flower size 16 cm. Tetraploid variety. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
SCHEHERAZADE - OT lilyOT lily - Columbia-Platte Lilies.
Height 100 - 190 cm. Pending flowers with a cherry-red centre and creamy yellowish edges. Strongly recurved petals. Flower size 14 cm. A good grower and persistant garden lily! This is one of the legendary varieties of American breeders. Fragrant. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
SEILA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/bc - G. Grants.
Light salmon pink flowers with darker shading in the center, secondary buds, number of flowers 28, tetraploid variety. Flower diameter 14 cm, height 110 cm. Blooms in mid-July. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
SENĀ DZIESMA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
SENJORITA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grants.
Bright, clear red flowers, height 90-100 cm, flower size 13 cm, bud count 15-12. Currently unavailable
EUR 2.90 |
SIDRA = BLESS YOUR HEART - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing pink flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
new SIGETA = BECAUSE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side-facing, pink flowers with an apricot-orange center and dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.80 |
SILAVAS VALSIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/cd - G. Grants.
Salmon pink, side-facing, flowers with strongly recurved petals and a Tango pattern in the center. Height 80 cm, bud count - 10, flower size - 15 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new SILVER SCHEHERAZADE - OT lilyOT lily Currently unavailable
EUR 12.00 |
SLATE'S SELECT (SLATE'S MORNING) - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - G. L. Slate, Reg. Lily Company B.V. - 2011.
Flowers with dark dots on a light yellow background, petal tips light pastel pink. Height 130 - 160 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
SMELDZE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2022.
Side facing apricot pink flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
new SMIEKLU SĒJĒJS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, creamy pink flowers with dark, striking dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
SMILLA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1b/c - G.Grants.
Side-facing, medium-size star-shaped flowers glowing white with tiny black dots at the center of the flower. Height 80 cm, bud count 12. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
SPĒKAVĪRS - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraployd Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
SPIETS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/bc - G. Grants.
A tall variety with bright yellow big flowers and distinctive Tango pattern in the center. Good grower in the garden and an accent seen from a distance. Height 120 cm, number of flowers - 10 Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
SPOKU STUNDA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Bright red flowers with an almost black circle in the center. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
new STEIDZĪGĀ = FRENCH TOAST - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
upwards facing, light yellow flowers with dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
SUNNY MORNING (NICOTINE) - MartagonlilyMartagonlily - Author unknovn in America, Reg. by Lily Company B.V. - 2010.
Flowers in a dark yellow with orange-rusty, fine dots on the petals tips. In the central part of the flower on yellow background decorative, dark dots. Height 130 - 150 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
SVELME - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grants.
Huge, bright yellow flowers with saturated dark yellow shading at the center. Nectaries white, pollen dark brown. Bud count around 12. Blossom in early July, a flower size 20 cm, height 90 cm. Tetraploid variety. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
SVĒTLAIME - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
Creamy pink flowers with pink petal tips, side-facing. Grows well. Height - 120 cm. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
SVIESTA PIKA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
A tall lily with pendulous, buttery yellow flowers. The shape of the flower resembles butter balls. Height 130 - 140 cm, inflorescence 13 - 15 flowers, secondary buds. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
TANGO LILLĀ - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/bc - G. Grants.
Dark lilac-pink star-shaped flowers with black-cherry-red thick "Tango" markings in the center, which spread to the tips of the petals. The eye of the flower is bright. Stems dark, shiny. Blooms in mid-July. Height 75 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
TAURENĪTIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1 ab/b - G. Grants.
Light pink star-shaped flowers with a pale, almost white middle. Small dots on the pale part. Flowers semi-double - three of the six stamens converted into petals. Peculiar and exquisitely graceful variety. Flower size 14 cm, height 90 cm, bud count around 12. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
TAUTUDEJA strain - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Small pendant flowers Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
TEICAMNIECE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1b/c - G. Grants.
Side-facing, light-rosy, flowers on tall stems. Height 110 cm, bud count - 16. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.40 |
TERRACE CITY - Martagon LilyMartagon Lily - N.E. Pfeiffer - 1983. Yellow-orange flowers with dark dots. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new TĪNA = WHIMSEY - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Side facing, pale pink flowers with apricot orange center. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
TIRAMISU - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1b/d - G. Grants.
Creamy flowers are arranged in pyramidal flower. Side-facing flowers fith strongly recurved petals. In the center of the flower, a lot of tiny, dark brown “Tango” pattern points. Height 110 cm, flower size 12 cm, bud count 16. Blossom in early July. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
TRAKAIS TANGO - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2022.
Mauve flowers with contrasting, dark tango markings in the center. Strongly growing, tetraploid variety with thick stems. Propagates well. Height about 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
TREJDEKSNIS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1 bc/d - G. Grants.
Light yellow flowers are arranged in slender pyramidal inflorescences. “Tango” dots are scattered in the middle of the flowers. Large bud count. height 90 cm, bud count 21, flower size 13 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.70 |
UGUNS DANCIS - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - G.Grants.
Bright red, star-shaped flowers with a contrasting dark tango stippling in the center. Height around 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.60 |
UGUNS VĒJŠ - LA lilyLA lily - G.Grants.
Huge, light red flowers with orange shading at the center. a few dark dots on the central part. Nectaries light, pollen dark brown. Blossom in early July, flower size 18 cm, height 100 - 110 cm, bud count 13. A good grower. LAA Currently unavailable
EUR 3.10 |
new UGUNSPŪĶIS = CHERRY PIE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, pure, bright red flowers, height 110 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.30 |
UGUNSTVĒRĒJS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a / bc - author G. Grants.
Flowers bright, light, fiery red with a lighter eye. Orange dart in the middle of each petal, pollen orange, dark stems, slender, long inflorescences, blooms in mid-July. Height 160 cm, flower diameter - 13 cm, number of flowers - 20. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
VĒJA SPĀRNI - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G.Grants.
For Asiatic lilies, an unusually large flower size - more than 20 cm. The star shaped flowers with a dark Tango dot pattern at the center. Height 90 cm, bud count 12, flower size 20 cm. Flowers in mid-July. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |
VĒJAMĀTE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2022.
Side-facing / down-facing white flowers with a creamy center and decorative, dark dots in the center. Height about 1 m. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.80 |
VĒJŠ MATOS = SUGAR PLUM - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Side-facing pink flowers with cream center. Height - 100 cm. Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.30 |
VIJA - Asiatic Lily volume discount Asiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2022
Juicy red-pink, dwn-facing flowers, dots in the center. Dark flower stalks. Tetraploid. Height around 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
VILMA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants.
Small, pendant, pollenless, salmon-colored flowers make huge, pyramidal inflorescences. Somewhat resmble martagonlilies. Flowers in mid-July. very unusual! Height 150 cm, around 30 flowers in inflorescence. A prolific pyramidal inflorescence. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.50 |
ZAĻIE PIRKSTIŅI - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Small flowers, pollenless Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
ZAPTES BUČA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/c - G. Grants.
A star-shaped flower, light lemon-yellow when opening, later creamy, with a maroon “Tango” pattern. Pollen dark brown. Height 105 - 110 cm, Bud count 7-13, flower size 13 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.00 |
ZELTA GAISMA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily- 1a/bc - G. Grants.
Large, pale creamy yellow flowers with a darker yellow spot in the center of the petal, a few, very small dark dots in the center of the flower, greenish-white nectaries, the very center of the flower looks fuzzy. Blooms in mid-July. Flower diameter 18 - 19 cm, height 100 - 110 cm, number of flowers 12. Tetraploid variety. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
ZELTA RAKTUVE - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Height - 130 cm, tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
new ZELTABEDRE = SCHOOL COLORS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, bright yellow flowers with dark Tango markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
ZIBENS PLAISMA - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023
Tetraploid Currently unavailable
EUR 3.90 |
ZIBSNIS - Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lily - G. Grants - 2023 Currently unavailable
EUR 4.30 |
ZIEDLAIKS - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2023.
Side / up facing pink flowers. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.60 |
new ZIEDONE - Trumpet lilyTrumpet lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Pale, down-facing flowers with pink petal borders. Fragrant. Currently unavailable
EUR 10.00 |
ZIEDU UGUNS - Asiatic lily volume discount Asiatic lily - author G. Grants - 2022.
Bright red side-facing flowers. Height about 90 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.60 |
ZĪĻU VAINAGS - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Down-facing salmon pink flowers with dark markings. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
ZVAIGŽŅU CEļŠ - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants.
Lemon-yellow flowers with a red “Tango” coloring make up unusually bushy and prolific inflorescences. Height 105 cm, Bud count around 30. Currently unavailable
EUR 3.50 |
ZVAIGŽŅU GAISMA - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - 1a/b - G.Grants. Large, light pink flowers, apricot center, scattered evenly with small dark dots, a dark pink flower eye. Secondary buds. Around 9 buds. There is an impression that the flower iradiates light! Tetraploid variety. Blossomes in early July, Flower size -17 cm, Height - 100 cm. Currently unavailable
EUR 4.00 |
new ZVAIGŽŅU UPE - Asiatic lilyAsiatic lily - G. Grants - 2024.
Upwards facing, creamy star-shaped flowers. Tetraploid. Currently unavailable
EUR 5.00 |