Author Stamile, 1997.
Tetraploid variety, semi-green/semi-evergreen (evergreen), flower diameter 17 cm, height 75 (81) cm. Large, soft pink flowers with wavy petals.
Author Stamile, 2002.
Tetraploid variety, semi-green/semi-evergreen (evergreen), flower diameter 15 cm, height 58 cm, 24 (35) flowers.
Hybridized by J. Vasarietis, named by G.Grants.
The diameter of the flower - 14 cm, the height of the leaves 60 cm, the height of the flowers - 70 cm, the number of flowers - 15. The central part of the flower is pale lemon yellow, pink shading on the tips of the petals, edges wavy.
Hybridized by J. Vasarietis, named by G. Grants.
TET, DOR, flower size - 13 cm, the height of the leaves - 70 cm, the height of the flowers - 90 cm, bud count - 25. Light golden yellow with slightly wavy edges.
Author Stamile, 2002
Height (89 cm), flower diameter (23 cm), (35) flowers.
Author Brooker, 2001.
Height 50 cm (61 cm), bloom 15 cm, tetraploid, 16 buds.
Author Tamberg 2001
TET, flower diamter (14) cm, height 95 (79) cm, flowers 40(14).
Author J.Vasarietis
Flower diameter 14 cm, height 50 cm.
Author Rice-JA, 2007.
Height (71 cm), bloom 18 cm, tetraploid.
Author Begnaud, 2005.
Height (60 cm), bloom 15 cm, tetraploid.
Stamile, 2002.
TET, SEV/DOR (DOR), flower size (14) cm, flower height 80 (71) cm, good branching, up to 38 buds in a scape. Soft pink, large flowers with yellow throat and elegant ruffling.
Hohls, 2012
Height (127 cm), bloom (17 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Diploid, 40 buds, 6 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Gray with purple eye and green throat, white band.
Autors Abajan, 2012. Tetraploīda šķirne, mūžzaļa, (daļēji mūžzaļa) zieda diametrs 15 cm, ziedu augstums 70 (75) cm, ziedu skaits 17 (26). Maigi rozā ar zaļdeltenu rīklīti
Author Abajian 2002
TET Flower diameter 14.5 cm (14 cm), height 65 cm (61 cm), 20 (26) flowers.
Autors Selman, 2008
Height (84 cm), flower diameter (18 cm), 20 flowers.
Author - Peat, 2003
Pink with dark candy apple red eye and wire gold picotee edge above green throat. Height (85 cm), bloom (13 cm), Tetraploid, 26 buds.
Author - Benz, 1992.
Height (86 cm), bloom (13 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Cherry red self with vivid lime green throat.
Author Waldrop, 2008.
Height (61 cm), bloom (15 cm), number of buds (20), tetraploid.
Author - Salter, 1988.
Bright red with green throat. Flower diameter 15 cm, height 75 cm, 36 buds, Tetraploid.
Author - A. Krūmiņš Smoky lilac with a dramatic dark, wide ring in the center. Flower diameter 14 cm, height 80 cm, number of flowers 23.
Petit, 2005
Height (71 cm), bloom (15 cm), 21 buds.
Gossard, 2006
Height (94 cm), bloom (23 cm), (25) buds.
Selman, 2006.
TET, SEV (SEV) flower size (15) cm, flower height 80 cm, brilliant branching, bud count 39. A beautiful breed of two-color. The inner petals in the dark pink, the outer petals in a light, gentle pastel-pink tone. The throat is green-yellow.
Grooms 1977. height 51 cm, bloom 11 cm, Dor, diploid, double, deep gold self.
Grace-Smith, 2005
Height (89 cm), bloom (15 cm), (25) buds.
Author - Reed, 1999.
Height (86 cm), bloom (18 cm), season M, Dormant, Diploid, Spider Ratio 4.00:1, Purple with white midrib and white cream lemon throat.
Author Andris Krūmiņš. Soft pink. Large, soft pink flowers with a yellow throat. Height 80 cm, flower diameter 14 cm.
Author - Trimmer, 2004.
Flower diameter - 14.5 cm, flower height - 65 cm.
Author Stamile 1999.
TET, bloom 15 cm, height 60 cm. 25 buds.
TET, DOR, flower size 15 cm, flower height 65 cm (50 cm), bud count 28.
Selman, 2007.
TET, SEV (DOR), flower size (15) cm, height 90 (90) cm, number of flowers 50 (25). Very good branching. produces seeds well.
Author - Santa Lucia, 2004
Orange with large red eye above gold to green throat. Height (86 cm), bloom (18 cm), Tetraploid, 18 buds.
Hybridized by J.Vasarietis, named by G.Grants.
TET, DOR, flower size - 14 cm, the height of the leaves - 70 cm, the height of the flowers - 110 cm, the number of flowers - 17. Light lemon-yellow flowers with slightly wavy edges of petals, slightly darker yellow throat, fragrant.
TET, DOR, flower size - 14 cm, the height of the leaves - 70 cm, the height of the flowers - 100 cm, bud count - 27. Saturated orange-yellow flowers with slightly lighter, slightly wavy edges of petals, in warm weather bronzish shading, flowers trumpet shape, fragrant, very healthy and well multiplying.
Author - Stamile, 1996.
Height (74 cm), bloom (18 cm), season E, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Near white self with green throat.
Author - Benz, 2000.
Height (86 cm), bloom (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Very Fragrant, 25 buds, 2 branches, Rose pink self above green throat.
Author - Grace-Smith, 2005.
Height (66 cm), bloom (15 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 4 branches, Dark rose with yellow watermark and edge above green throat.
Author - Carpenter-J., 2006
Bright red with red orange watermark and gold edge above green throat. Height (66 cm), bloom (15 cm), (25) buds.
Autors Abajan, 2003. Tetraploīda šķirne, mūžzaļa, (vasarzaļa) zieda diametrs 15 cm, ziedu augstums 90 (60) cm, ziedu skaits 13 (21). Piesātināti tumši sarkans samts! Lielisks krokojums.
Author Selman, 2007.
TET, SEV, (DOR)., flower size (16) cm, height 90 cm, bud count 19. Very good branching.
Author Hensley-D., 2007.
TET, SEV (DOR), flower size (15) cm, height 80 cm, bud count 34 (18). Very good branching. Bright fiery accent!
Autors Reilly-Hein, 1990. Tetraploīda šķirne, vasarzaļa, zieda diametrs 14 cm, ziedkāta augstums 90 cm. Ziedu skaits 18. Tumši piesātināti dzeltena ar kontrastējošu, sarkanbrūnu gredzenu. Ziedlapas atliektas, malas viļņotas. Godalgota.
Author Harding-F., 1993.
TET, DOR, flower size 14 (15) cm, height 70 cm, bud count 30. Apricot pink with a very distinctive ruffles, orange edge with hooks and needles, dark yellow throat, the parent for many of the 'spiky' varieties. Produces seeds very well.
Author Carpenter-J. 2002
Bloom (15) cm, height 75 (66) cm. 26 (33) buds.
Author Grace- Smith, 2004.
Height 65 cm, bloom 15 cm, number of buds 18, tetraploid.
Author Stamile, 1996.
Height 60 cm, bloom 16 cm, number of buds 21, tetraploid.
Author Reed 1999.
Bloom 15 cm, height (6) cm, (15) buds.
Author - Petit, 2002
Pink with lighter watermark above green throat. Height (61 cm), bloom (15 cm) Tetraploid.
Author J. Vasarietis
Author Gossard, 2004.
Height (90 cm), bloom (20 cm), number of buds (22), diploid.
Author Gossard - R 2008.
Bloom 18 cm, height (90) cm, buds (22).
Author - Trimmer, 2004. height (91 cm), bloom (20 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 30 buds, 3 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Straw yellow with dark maroon eye above yellow green throat.
Author - Smith-FR, 2005
Purple with lavender watermark above green throat. Height (89 cm), bloom (15 cm), Tetraploid, 30 buds.
Author A.Krūmiņš.
Height 55 cm, bloom 15 cm, number of buds 20.
Flower diameter 11 cm, height 80 cm.
Autors Carpenter, 2004. Tetraploīda šķirne, mūžzaļa / daļēji mūžzaļa (mūžzaļa), zieda diametrs 17 cm, ziedkāta augstums 75 cm. Ziedu skaits 15(30).Lieli, ļoti koši sarkani ziedi ar pavisam šauru, gaišu apmalīti. Labs krokojums.
Yost, 2003.
TET., DOR. flower size (12.5) cm, height 100 (71) cm, bud count 37 (20). Very good branching.
Author - Selman, 2008
Ruffled ivory with gold edge above yellow-green throat. Height 70 (100 cm), bloom (16 cm), Tetraploid, 15 (20) buds.
Author Morss, 2004.
Bloom 15 cm, height (70) cm.
Author - Carpenter-J., 2007
Peach with mahogany eye above green throat. Height 75 cm, bloom 12,5 cm, Diploid, 20 buds.
Hanson-C., 2004.
Impressive flowers with a harmonious combination of different shades of purple that change slightly depending on weather conditions. Purple Symphony! The height of the flowers of 69 cm, flower size 15 cm, SEV., TET.
Autors Stamile, 2004. Tetraploīda šķirne, daļēji mūžzaļa (mūžzaļa) zieda diametrs 14 cm, ziedkāta augstums 70 cm. Ziedu skaits 13 (30). Krēmkrāsas ziedi ar ļoti tumšu, kontrastējošu un platu gredzenu. Ziedlapas apmaļotas ar šauru, tumšu līniju. Izcils kruzuļojums!
hybridizer J. Vasarietis, named by G.Grants
Bloom - 14 cm, height - 100 cm, buds – 30.
Author - J.Vasarietis
Flower diameter 14 cm, flower height 100 cm.
TET., DOR., Flower size - 14 cm, the height of the leaves - 60 cm, the height of the flowers - 100 cm, bud count - 24. Golden orange with slightly darker, light shading, throat-yellow.
Author George-T. 2000
Bloom - 14 (15) cm, height - 75 (71) cm, buds – 30 (21).
Author Hensley-D. 2007
Tetraploid variety, evergreen (semi-evergreen), flower diameter 14 (15) cm, height 80 (74) cm, 60 (20) buds. Very bright red flowers.
Author Kinnebrew, 2003.
Height 65 cm, bloom 14 cm, number of buds 17, tetraploid.
Stamile 1990.
TET., DOR., flower size (15) cm, height 70 (67) cm, bus count 33. Great brancing. The flowers are creamy white, later in the day almost completely white. In my collection, this could be the closest to white.
Author Peat, 2006
Bloom (13) cm, height (69) cm, (24) buds.
Selman, 2008.
TET., DOR., flower size 15 (12.5) cm, height 70 (50) cm, bud count 30 (18). Great brancing. Clean colours and well ruffled edge. Good grower. In other words, this variety has it all perfect. One of my favourites.
Height 80 cm, bloom 12 cm, number of buds 12.
Author Peat 2006.
Tetraploid variety, (semi-evergreen) flower diameter 13 cm, flower height 75 (70) cm, number of flowers 19. Raspberry with dark red ring.
Hybridized by J.Vasarietis, named by Ā.Jankovska
Flower size - 13 cm, height - 70 cm.
Flower size - 13 cm, height of the leaves - 60 cm, height of the flowers - 90 cm, bud count - 38. A dark violet red with a contrasting yellow throat, the edges of the petals slightly wavy.
Author Stamile 2004.
Flower size - 16 (19) cm, height - 85 cm, 29 buds.
Author Hanson-C., 1990
Flower size - (15) cm, height - 70 (66) cm, 22 buds.
Author Trimmer, 2006
Flower size - 12 cm, height - 75 cm.
Flower size - 13 cm, height - 90 cm.
Salter, 2008.
TET. EV./SEV. (DOR.). Flower size 13 cm, height 60 (55) cm, bud count 19. Spectacular contrast and flower form. Lemon yellow with a dark red very wide eye and a edge.
Pickles, 2003.
TET. Golden yellow with a red eye. Flower size 12 cm, height 90 cm.
Author Peat, 2007,
Height 50 cm, bloom (15 cm), number of buds 29, tetraploid.
Author - Barnaby, 1999
Rose blend with pale pink edge and deep green throat. Height (66 cm), bloom (15 cm), Tetraploid, 15 buds.
Author Selman, 2008.
Flower diameter 13 cm, height 70 cm, 18 buds. Apricot orange-yellow flowers with an orange ring and light veins on each petal.
Author - Piotrowski, 2000.
Height (91 cm), bloom (14 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, 21 buds, 3 branches, Deep butter yellow self above yellow throat.
Author Hanson-. 1994
Flower size - (18) cm, height - 70 (80) cm, 20 buds.
Smith-FR., 2006.
TET, SEV, flower size (15) cm, height 65 (76) cm, bud count 25 (36). Good branching.
Reilly, 2005.
TET., SEV., flower size (15) cm, height 80 (70) cm, bud count 35 (21). Good branching, lots of buds.
Author Webster, 1990
Flower size - (28) cm, height - (81) cm.
Author Gossard, 2010
Flower size - (25) cm, height - (118) cm, 18 buds.
Sellers, 1997.
Tet. (Dor.), flower size 15 cm, height 65 cm. Flowers lilac purple with a darker purple ring. Throat is green-yellow.
Author Stamile, 1998.
Flower diameter (15) cm, height 60 (71) cm, 26 buds. Beautiful, precise flower shape, pure color, Tetraploid.
Flower diameter - 13 cm, foliage height - 55 cm, inflorescence height - 90 cm, 30 buds. Bright, light yellow with soft yellow, slightly wavy petal edges, greenish shade in the throat, fragrant.
Author Stamile, 2008.
Height (76 cm), bloom (15 cm), number of buds (35), tetraploid.
Author Shooter-F., 2002, Light yellow flowers with an expressive, dark brown ring and yellow-green throat. Rounded, wide petals. Height (86) cm, flower diameter (15) cm.
Author Stamile, 1999.
Tetraploid variety, semi-evergreen (semi-evergreen), flower diameter 15 cm (15 cm), height 70 - 75 cm (73 cm), number of buds 20 - 29 (27).
Flower size - 15 cm, height of the leaves - 70 cm, height of the flowers - 70 cm, bud count - 20. Bright yellow large flowers, low height.
Hybridized by J.Vasarietis, named by M.Erminass.
The flower size 13 cm, height of leaves - 60 cm, height of the flowers - 70 cm. Dark red flowers, the edges of the petals slightly lighter, the throat green-yellow. A plant with no less than 2 shoots (fans).
Author Mahieu, 2003
Flower size - (22) cm, height - (132) cm, 32 buds.
Author - Holmes-M., 2005.
Height (66 cm), bloom (15 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 26 buds, 4 branches, Ivory with toothy edge above green throat.
Hanson - C., 2004.
Flower size 12.5 cm, height 80 cm.
Author J. Vasarietis.
Extra large flowers - flower diameter 17 cm, inflorescence height 100 cm, foliage height 60 cm.
Author Stamile, 2006. Flower diameter 14 cm, height 80 cm.
Height 80 cm, bloom (14 cm), number of buds 23, tetraploid.
Hibridizējis J. Vasarietis, vārdu devis G.Grants Zieda diametrs - 13 cm, lapu augstums - 70 cm, ziedu augstums - 90 cm, ziedu skaits –33. Dūmakaini lavandas violetrozā ar tumši violetu gredzenu, rīklīte gaiši dzeltena. Stāds ar nemazāk kā 4 dzinumiem (vēdekļiem).
Author Hansen-D., 2006.
Height 75 cm, bloom (15 cm), number of buds 10, tetraploid.
By Scott-E., 2005.
Tetraploid variety, flower diameter (13.5) cm, height 80 (61) cm, number of buds 20 (29). Especially ruffled petals.
Author Whatley, 1993
Yellow with light green throat. Height (91 cm), bloom (20 cm), Tetraploid.
Author Kinnebrew, 2007.
Height 60 cm, bloom 16 cm, number of buds 8, tetraploid.
Author Wilkerson, 2007
Flower size - (20) cm, height - (86) cm, (18) buds.
Wilson 1993 conv.
Strongly growing, healthy variety with large, flowers visible from afar. Height 66 cm, 16 buds, semi-evergreen, Tetraploid.
Author Trimmer, 2002
Flower size - (30) cm, height - (107) cm, (24) buds.
Author Reinermann, 1994
Height (69 cm), bloom (15 cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, Black red blend with cream edge above green throat.
Author Carpenter-J., 2007
Height (69 cm), bloom (15 cm), Tetraploid, Fragrant, 19 buds. Purple with lavender white watermark above intense green throat.
Height (66 cm), bloom 15 cm, number of buds (20), tetraploid.
Selman/Hensley, 2005.
Tetraploid variety, SEV (SEV), flower size 15 cm (15 cm), flower height 80, 85 cm (81 cm), bud count 36, 23 (18).
Author - Huben, 2008.
Height (112 cm), bloom (20 cm), season M, Dormant, Diploid, 24 buds, 6 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Cream self above yellow green throat.
Hybridized by J.Vasarietis, named by A. Jankovska.
Flower size - 14 cm, the height of the leaves - 60 cm, the height of the flowers - 100 cm, bud count - 35. Golden - dark yellow with lighter yellow petal tips, petals wavy. Narrow, long and recurved petals, large flowers, smells lightly. A plant with no less than 2 fans.
Author J.Vasarietis.
Height 100 cm, bloom 13 cm, tetraploid.
Author - Gossard, 2007.
Height (81 cm), bloom (15 cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 4 branches, Burgundy maroon red with white tooth edge.
Height 70 cm, bloom 15 cm, number of buds 15, tetraploid.
Hybridizer J. Vasarietis, named by G.Grants
Flower size - 14 cm, height - 80 cm, 20 buds.
Author - Trimmer, 2003, Orange flowers with a bright orange-red ring and dark orange-red, rufflrd borders. Yellow-green throat. Height (53) cm, flower diameter (14) cm.
Author Sellers, 1978
Diploid, bloom 13 cm, height (80)
Author - Wilkerson, 2011
Height (91 cm), bloom (22 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 24 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Rose self with light cream pink margin on petals and sepals above a green throat.
Carr, 2005.
Evergreen (Dormant) (15) cm, 85 (67) cm bud-count 28 (25). The flowers are perfectly ruffled!! Sturdy petals, open completely, very good branching, good bud-count, readily produces seeds.
Author J.Vasarietis, named by G.Grants.
Tetraploid variety, flower diameter 12 cm, foliage height 60 cm, inflorescence height 80 cm, 34 buds. Black-red flowers with maroon shading.